[University of Mostar]

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Kralja Zvonimira 14, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Phone(Fax): +387 36 355-000 (001); E-mail: gf-svemo@tel.net.ba

20. 04. 2004.

Informations for Students > Behaviour code

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Based on the article 91 of the Statute of Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Mostar, the Faculty council on the 31st meeting held on 20th September 2000 brings:



Students, techers, associates and other employees of the Faculty should with mutual forces continue on creating of the optimal conditions and surrounding for achieving of the academic activities.

Code is primarly based on the wish of all employees at the Faculty and students to eliminate unacceptable behaviours in the academic community.

Each student and each employee at the Faculty of Civil Engineering should be familiar with these Code.



  • to keep the reputation and dignity of the University of Mostar, Faculty of Civil Engineering, students, teachers and associates of the Faculty;

  • to be present on the elocutions, exercises, seminars and other forms of education;

  • to be present on the meeting of the Faculty's council and other committees where they are members;

  • to beheave polite and correctly to teachers, co-workers, students and other employees of the Faculty;

  • to respect the behaviour rules in the laboratories and informational chambers of the Faculty;

  • to protect the property and enviroment of the Faculty.



  • all students have equal and inalienable right regardless of race, nationality, religion, sex, political and other beliefs and opinions, socila status and all other differences;

  • students have right to freedom of expressing in accordance with law decisions and moral principles of the academic citizen;

  • students have right to freedom of non-political associate;

  • students have right to official counsellor (teacher) through student counsellor service;

  • students have right to democratic choosed representers who can vote in the Faculty's council;

  • students have guaranted availability of the Faculty's statute and other acts which are refering to them and their rights at the Faculty;

  • students have rights to correct relationship from the employees of the Faculty; and therewith right to complain in case of braking of that right;

  • to be present on the elocutions, exercises, seminars and other ways of education;

  • participate in the educational process  (as demonstrators or something similar);

  • to participate in the scientific-research and expert activities;

  • to give opinions about questions which are concerning of the rights and obligations of the students through Student union;

  • to ask for the counsellor who is teacher or co-worker through Student counsellor service to help him with advice in his study, and especially in selection of the collegium;

  • to lodge to the competent body of the Faculty appeal on the decision or procedure which doesn't satisfy him;

  • to be rewarded for his work, attainments and contribution to the afirmation of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and University of Mostar;

  • to participate in supplemental activities: cultural, sport, expert conferences and seminars, inter-university and interstate student encounters and so on.



  • latening, not coming, or leaving of any form of the education or not non-fulfilment  of the other educational obligations;

  • disturbing of any form of the education;

  • non-justified absence from the meeting of the Faculty's council and other committees where he is member;

  • use of expedients on the tests ( books, notebooks, different electronic devices, different notes), except when those expedients are explicit allowed.



  • vulgar and improper relationship to the teachers and other employees of the Faculty or to the students;

  • giving and recieving of the help during tests and other knowledge checks;

  • presenting of other people work as own;

  • wrong representing, attendance on the tests in the name of someone else;

  • falsification of the documents connected with study and realizing of the student rights;

  • violation of the rules for protection of author rights and intelectual property;

  • inadmissable acces to the resources of the computer system of the Faculty, University and other subjects connected with the Faculty through Internet;

  • production or using of the programs which purpose is destroying or disabling of the computer, program, data or informational resources of the Faculty or other subjects connected with the Faculty and University in Mostar, so as other resources by the computer network of the Faculty and University;

  • causing of the material damage on the property of the Faculty;

  • stealing of the property which is in possession of the Faculty or the University;

  • proceeding which are deliberately or extremely incautious polluting the Faculty's enviroment and University campus;

  • causing of the disorder and fight or participation in disorder and fight in the rooms of the Faculty;

  • arrival on any form of education under the influence of alcohol or narcotic drugs;

  • and all other activities which are opposite to the moral norms accepted in the society and activities which are crime acts.



In case of violation of the Behaviour code against the students the discipline procedure is started.

Procedure and measures are started by the Faculty's council.

Faculty's council nominates committee that has 3 members for execution of the discipline procedure and ordering of the penalty measure.

The easiest measure is public warning, and the hardest is permanent expulsion from the Faculty or University.

Student has right to appeal on the sentence within 8 days from the recieving of the decision about sentence.

Faculty's council considers the appeal and brings the final decision about penalty measure, which can't be appealed.

This code inures by the day of the bringing  from the Faculty's council of the Faculty of Civil Engineering.


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