[University of Mostar]

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Kralja Zvonimira 14, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Phone(Fax): +387 36 355-000 (001); E-mail: gf-svemo@tel.net.ba

22. 06. 2006.

Inscriptions into academic 2006/2007

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      Students are inscribing into the first study year at the Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Mostar in the academic 2006/2007 as:

  1. regular students, who have insured means from the Ministry of education, science, culture and sport,

  2. regular students who are paying for their study.

      Number of the 1st year students at the Faculty is 100, 40 regular students who are sponsored by the Ministry, and 60 regular students who are paying for their study.


Selection of the applicants

  1. A person who finished highschool in, at least, four year duration and who had Mathematics all four year, can inscribe the Faculty.

  2. All applicants, who are applying for the competition into the first study year, are under class test procedure. Selection of the registered applicants is valuated especially through success in previous highschool education on this way:

    a)  for the first two year of schooling the average mark of the final success, mathematics and physics is calculatedn and that mark is ambited to one decimal; for the third year final success and mathematics is calculated and also ambited to one decimal; and for fourth year we calculate the final success mark, graduate test mark and mathematics, and those marks are also ambited to one decimal;

    b)  then, we add all ambited average marks and we multiply that sum with 100 and than we divide it with 4;

    c)  assigned number represents the number of the points of applicant.

    If in the highschool program physics wasn't predicted in some of the first two educational year, we consider marks from the next subjects: Mechanics, Termodynamics and Electrotechnique. On the contrary we sign 0 (zero) for that class. Applicants who won, during the third and fourth year, one of the first three places on the state competition in mathematics and physics, get maximum points number and have right to direct inscription to the study.

  3. Inscription of all applicants will be completed accordong to rank list untill the filling of the aproved inscription quote. Applicant will be able to complete inscription if, on the base of the above specified account, he has minimal 300 points. In case that at the end of the list there are specific number of the candidates with same number of the points like last candidate, candidate who applyed earlier at the Faculty has priority (candidate who has lower application number).

  4. Applicants who achieved right to inscription in particular inscription deadline, but haven't inscribed in the prescriptive inscription deadline, are losing their right to inscription. If there are, after class test procedure free places at the Faculty, right to inscription have applicants who suffice conditions of the previous class test procedure.

  5. With inscription application it is also necessary to subjoin:

    1. Birth certificate (extract from the register of births),

    2. High-school diploma and certificates from all classes of the appropriate high-school in 4 year duration,

    3. Medical opinion,

    4. Confirmation about payed class test expense compensation, which is 40 KM, and it is payed to endorse account of the Faculty:
      338 100 22003545 21
      at Zagrebačka bank BH d.d. Mostar, with indication "for expense of the class test procedure" by the general payment in the post-office or in bank.


  6. Applicant who applys to more places gives original documents to one Faculty and to other he gives transcription or certified fotocopies with confirmation of the Faculty where are the original documents.


Applications for the inscription

  1. Applications for the inscription are being recieved :
    - for Ist (July) class deadline from 27th June till
      7th July 2006
    - for II. (September) class deadline from 1st till 8th
      September 2006
    Applications for the II. deadline will be recieved only if there are free places after the I. deadline. Number of the free places will be declared on the notice board and on the web-site.

  2. Application for the class test procedure (with above specified documents), are handing over on the student referade by the applicants.

  3. Applicant who applys to more places gives original documents to one Faculty and to other he gives transcription or certified fotocopies with confirmation of the Faculty where are the original documents.


Class test procedure

  1. Result selection of the applicants for the inscription to the Faculty will be denounced on:
    - 14th July 2006 and
    - 15th September 2006.

  2. Reception of the applicants will be based only on the high-school success base, on the way described in the dot 2 of the selection of applicants, that is by the rule book about student inscription in the first study year.



  1. Inscriptions into the I. year of the study in the first inscription deadline will be from 17th till 21nd July 2006  for students who are recieved on the scientific study at the Faculty of Civil Engineering with supporting of the Ministry, and from 18th till 22th September 2006 for students who are recieved on the scientific study at the Faculty of Civil Engineering for own needs. Inscriptions to the Faculty are being done according the results from the class test procedure.

  2. Regular student who are paying for their study, must pay 600 KM compensation for every semester.



Rule book about inscription of the students to the firts study year.
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[Selection, applications, inscriptions...]



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