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22. 11. 2004.

Teachers and Faculty associates > Mato Goluža

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Name: Mato Goluža
Date of Birth: 22. 09. 1930.
Profession and Title: B. Sc.; Full professor
Tutorials: -
Phone:   +387 36 355-006
E-mail: -

« Department of Hydro-technique



  • Born on September 22nd, 1930 ;

  • He finished his magisterial work in 1986;

  • He is assistant on these subjects: Sanitary engineering, River hydro-technique and hydro-technical meliorations at the Faculty of Civil Engineering; University of Mostar, till 1989;

  • He defended his doctorate dissertation in 1989 ;

  • He is a teacher on subjects: Sanitary engineering, River hydro-technique and hydro-technical meliorations at the Faculty of Civil Engineering; University of Mostar, from 1990 till 1992;

  • He worked in the Ministry of water management, Agriculture and Forestry in 1992 ;

  • He worked as a Minister of water management assistant in 1994;

  • He was selected for authorized reviser of concrete and made-up buildings, and in 1994 he was also elected for member of the commission for giving expert exams for engineers of civil engineering profession;

  • In 1995 he worked in the Ministry of Croatian Republic Herceg-Bosnia;

  • He is a teacher on subjects: Hydro-technical systems and Sanitary engineering supply at the Faculty of Civil Engineering; University of Mostar, since 1996;

  • He is also a teacher on subject: Agriculture meliorations at Agronomic faculty; University of Mostar, since 1996;

  • Since 1997 he is a teacher on subject: Hydrology at the Faculty of Civil Engineering; University of Mostar;

  • From 1996 till 2000 he was dean on the faculty of Civil Engineering University of Mostar;

  • In 1997 on the Faculty of Civil Engineering; University of Mostar he was elected for profession: Full professor. 



  • Special lecturing in "Hydrology", Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Mostar, 1995-1999;
  • Special chapters in "Water supply and sewage system", lecturing at the Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Mostar, 1991-1999;
  • Special lecturing in "Hydro-technical systems", Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Mostar, 1991-1999;
  • "Hydrology", script, 1999;
  • Special lecturing in "Agriculture meliorations", Agronomic faculty University of Mostar, 1997-2001.



  • M. Goluža, "Purification and disposition of atmosphere waters on karst", (magisterial work), 1986;

  • M. Goluža, "Optimalization of hydro-technical meliorations in Herzegovina", (Doctorate dissertation) 1989;

  • M. Goluža, "Hundred years of hydro-technical meliorations in Herzegovina", Mostar 1989;

  • M. Goluža, M. Raguž, "Hydrology of karst river Bregava-Will river Bregava become dry     karst valley?", Anthology of Faculty of Civil engineering University of Mostar (Mostar, 2001.), number 1.; 

  • Lecturing in frame of Scientific class called: "Hydrology of karst river Bregava-Will river Bregava become dry karst valley?". authors: M. Goluža and M. Raguž. 

  • M. Goluža, G. Prskalo, "Modern irrigation and disposable quantities of waters in the territory of herzegovinian karst", Anthology of Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Mostar (Mostar, 2002), number 2.



  1. Regulation of torrent water flows in Tomislavgrad, Gacko, Široki Brijeg, Rama and projecting of bridges, culverts with hydrology and hydraulic working out. Supervision over building and maintaining of buildings for torrent defend: Imotsko-Bekijsko polje, Ljubuško polje, Gabelsko polje. Participation in projecting of particular water systems for irrigation in some Herzegovina municipalities. (1986-1987);

  2. Participation on projecting of particular tail races in Čapljina and Popovo polje. Participation in projecting of particular devices for waste water purification and supervision over building of water management buildings on Herzegovina area (1987);

  3. Participation in projecting of water systems in Čapljina, Tomislavgrad, Gacko and Stolac. Participation in revision and supervision over many devices for purification of water systems, regulation of particular torrents and supervision over reservoir Trebistovo and other water management buildings. (1988);

  4. Projecting of several road ways, that is roads and bridged, especially on area of Stolac and Tomislavgrad municipalities. Supervision over complex water-melioration systems in Herzegovina. Projecting of particular buildings in hydro-technical systems. Projecting of regulation of particular water intake structures of karst water sources. Preliminary solutions of particular sanitary landfills of rigid waste (Čapljina and other) (1989-1990);

  5. Projecting of particular dwelling buildings (1993);

  6. Participated in several revisions on particular water management buildings as informant or president of the commission, Worked as authorized reviser on several buildings. (1995);

  7. Participated in projecting, restoration or building of particular devices for waste water purification (Ljubuški, Grude, Čitluk, Široki Brijeg, WELTPLAST and SAPIT in Posušje and other). He revised construction for complex building PEKARNICA-Čitluk and other. (1996);

  8. He projected sanitation of devices for waste water purification in Odžak and Orašje, pump station in Višići and Mala Svitava. He revised several buildings, catering buildings, pump stations in Ljubuški, Croatian home Čapljina and other. He projected several smaller buildings in next jurisdictions: roads, irrigation and other. Production of sewage system of colony on Bjalava area. Protection of water source Bjalava-technical documentation. (1997-2000);

  9. Hydro geological researching of underground waters of Hydro electric power station Peć-Mlini and basin of Ričina Hercegovačka (2001);

  10. Initial basics of water management-informational system Water area of basins of Adriatic sea (2000);

  11. Preliminary solution of water system of colonies TREBIŽAT, ZVIROVIĆI AND PRĆAVCI (2000-2001);

  12. Final design of water supply for Dubravske visoravni (2000);

  13. Water system Dubrave-global economical aspects of investment undertaking (2000);

  14. NEAP-national action plan for environment protection in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2001-2002);

  15. Final design of water system network of colonies in Rama municipality (2002);

  16. Systematical development of coast and sea resources in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2002);

  17. Engineer activities in protection of deep underground waters of Čitluk municipality and their register (2002);

  18. Preliminary design of water system for exile colony "HODOVO" from local sources (2002);

  19. Preliminary design of water system for therapy community "ROTIMLJA" (2002).       


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